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Blush is a friend for a girl to help her feel comfortable and learn about her cycle. 

14 week, Spring 2017


By 2020, there will be a dramatic unbalance in the psychological health and physical health of young women.

What is the problem right now? 

Sex education is still a topic that parents shun from. Mostly because they think its too early for kids to know. This will cause girl’s to panic, be scared, when they first develop their menstrual cycle. They would try to avoid others from noticing. 


During menarche, girls experience different feelings including fear, shame and guilt because of lack of prior information about menstruation. 


Breast budding before their 10th birthday 

Breast development by the age of  8


Parents don’t know how to tell their daughters about period. 
Young girls have a hard time to accept becoming a “ women”. 
They are lacking knowledge of how to use pad for the first time, tend to feel Panic, scared, shy, helpless. 


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Blush is a friend for a girl to help
her feel comfortable and learn about her cycle. 

Copyright © 2019 Christine Xiang All Rights Reserved

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